Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summer Camps in Moldova

We are sorry for the delay in writing on our blog. We have had many activities going on, and if you receive our prayer letter you know about some of them already. While our goal is church planting here in Chisinau, if you know us well, you know how much we love to work with children and teenagers. It is always fun to connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ that come from the USA to minister here in Moldova! This summer we have had a BSU team from Mississippi, two teams from North Metro Baptist in Lawrenceville, GA, and we have a team of pastors and laymen coming in October. We have also participated in a one day camp at the church where we attend, Speranta, and a one day camp in Cojusna, where we were members in 2006 & 2007. Hope you enjoyed a few photos of the beautiful children and teams in Moldova above.
We pray that many more children's lives will be touched with the love of Jesus and that they will come to know the Lord as their Savior and Friend!! God bless your ministry wherever you are!
Smile, God loves you!

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