Friday, October 31, 2008

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations ... and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age!

We have had an amazing week! Dr. Jerry Rankin spoke with us three days on Spiritual Warfare, life on the field, and while it was intense, it was a soul searching time full of excitement in reaching the lost for Christ! Another exciting time was when all of those going on the field placed our photo on the map and asked for prayer for the country where we are going. God has brought more laborers and we want to have a servant's heart full of love!
Dr. Elbert Smith has such insight into the scriptures, and he is really making us stop and see what God is saying to us in His Word. Tonight he and his wife are hosting about 87 journeymen in their home ... these are the young adults/students going on the field. We have been amazed at their talents and gifts, and it does our heart good to see so many young people dedicated to bringing glory to God and making Him known around the world.
We would like for those of you in the churches which have committed to lifting us up in prayer over the next three years to know that we would love to have a team from your church to come to Moldova and prayer walk, hand out Bibles, hold VBS, or whatever God is laying on your heart. We would love to talk to you about this if God is leading a group to be His hands and feet!
They are feeding us well, and while it is all very healthy food, we are trying to watch the portions. We do not usually have three large meals every day, but at a buffet style meal it is easy to eat more than you need to. Please pray for one of the men that helps so faithfully in the kitchen; he was helping us after dinner as we put our dishes away, and a plate crashed on the floor with a piece flying up into his eye. They took him to the ER to be cared for, but we haven't heard how he is doing at this point. He has been so willing to serve us and we need to serve him now by lifting him up in prayer. Thank you for doing this!
The learning center is a beautiful place of tranquility where you can reflect on what God has called you to do, and it is only possible through your gifts to Lottie Moon and the Cooperative Program. There is always something happening on this campus, and we give praise to the Lord for providing all of the staff and the training available here!
We ask for you to keep us in your prayers as we continue in our training! Please email us if you have something that we can pray about with you.
Smile, God loves you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Orientation and Training

Well, we made the drive fine to Virginia! We left around 5:30 on Monday morning, and we had prayer with Myra's parents before leaving. Of course, Myra's Mom had lunch packed and ready to go ... thanks Mom! Myra's Dad woke up early to help get the car packed and to see us off. We talked with them after his doctor's appointment, and the doctor started his B12 shots which we hope will be a great help to Dad! Please pray for God to help us absorb all that we need to before going to Moldova. This will be a busy eight weeks, but it will be a blessing for us! We will try to keep you informed while we are here from time to time. We are praying for you when we see updates asking for prayer! I really needed my In Touch devotional yesterday before we got on the road, and we thank you for your prayers! God is so good to give us what we need exactly when we need it!!! Keep the Full Armor of God on this week!!! "May the Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26 Smile, God loves you!