Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Very Talented Friend in Moldova Honored for His Talents

Many of you have seen photos on facebook of our friends in Moldova, and you may recognize this young man that we wanted to share good news about with you. His name is Daniel, and he is Pastor Sasha and Sora Ala's oldest son. We have always known that he was very talented in art. In fact, he gave us one of his paintings when we left Moldova in 2007, and we had many comments on his painting when people saw it. Last year, Daniel and his parents invited us to attend an art exhibit at the library near his home. We gladly accepted the invitation, but we did not realize, until after we arrived, that he was being given a first-place award for his paintings among his peers. We were thrilled to be a part of this special day in his life. We know that you will enjoy viewing his paintings as much as we did! Please pray for Daniel as he grows in his faith in the Lord and as He looks to God for direction in his life. Pray also, for his parents as they help to make decisions for his life. There are four beautiful boys in their family, and they have a sweet spirit and a great love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Smile, God loves you!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Delayed But Not Forgotten

Wow, we can't believe that we haven't entered anything on our blog since September of 2009! We have been staying very busy here in Moldova, and we were even able to make it home to the USA for Christmas with our family. What a true blessing it was to see family and friends in Georgia! We apologize for not keeping up with our blog, but in a way, we suppose that it is a sign of working in the field more. Praise the Lord!
In October of 2009 we had a team of four pastors and two laymen to visit us from the USA. We worked together to share the love of Christ in various ways here in Moldova. Many tracts, New Testaments, reading glasses, "Jesus Loves You" dolls, etc. were handed out in the city and in villages. We visited Pastor Ilia Coada's ministry sight in Tintereni, the Bible College in Chisinau, the villages of Goiani and Ceriescu. The pastors preached in several churches while they were here, both in the city and in villages. They even brought a clown along, and the children loved him so much! Enjoy a sample of the many photos that we took, and know that God's love was shown and His word was made known!
Smile, God loves you!