Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Beautiful Scenery From a Garden in Moldova
No matter where you are you can always find beauty in the world that God has made.
We wanted to share some of this beauty from Moldova with you!
We know that the winter months are just around the corner, and soon it will be nice
to look back at these pictures and look forward to next spring!
We love and miss all of you! Thank you for your prayers as we serve our Lord
in Republic of Moldova. We have been on several prayer walks in the city,
and we know that God will be glorified in the work done here
as long as we look to Him for direction each step of the way!
We celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary a few weeks ago,
and our son, Brian, turned 27 this year. We can no longer say that
we are 29 and holding!
God bless your day!
Habakkuk 1:5
Smile, God loves you!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Praying for Casting Crowns and Mark Hall - Be Blessed and Be a Blessing
We hope that you can view this link on Casting Crowns, but if you are not able to view it, please go to www.castingcrowns.org . This group has brought honor and glory to God all around the world! We know that several of the teenagers in Moldova have hoped that they would come here one day. Listen to their music and be blessed ... if you are a believer, they will really speak to the issues in your life and make you stop and think if you are truly making a difference as a Christian and giving "it" (your life) back to Him!! Mark Hall and co-author, Tim Luke, have just released a new book. Pray for them! If anyone wants to send us a book, we would love to read the book, too!! (Hint ... Hint)
Smile, God loves you!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Parliamentary Elections in Moldova - 2nd Attempt
Hopefully, if you are interested in reading this article about the most recent Parliament elections in Moldova, the link will take you there. Please continue to pray for the election of a new President. It is the duty of the Parliament to elect the President, and the Democratic parties need your prayers!
Smile, God loves you!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Summer Camps in Moldova
We are sorry for the delay in writing on our blog. We have had many activities going on, and if you receive our prayer letter you know about some of them already. While our goal is church planting here in Chisinau, if you know us well, you know how much we love to work with children and teenagers. It is always fun to connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ that come from the USA to minister here in Moldova! This summer we have had a BSU team from Mississippi, two teams from North Metro Baptist in Lawrenceville, GA, and we have a team of pastors and laymen coming in October. We have also participated in a one day camp at the church where we attend, Speranta, and a one day camp in Cojusna, where we were members in 2006 & 2007. Hope you enjoyed a few photos of the beautiful children and teams in Moldova above.
We pray that many more children's lives will be touched with the love of Jesus and that they will come to know the Lord as their Savior and Friend!! God bless your ministry wherever you are!
Smile, God loves you!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Residency Permit and Prayer Requests
We wanted to update you on the status of our residency permit, a necessity in order to remain in Moldova!
We went to the last government office, with the Baptist Union lawyer, last Tuesday. We were told that we would know something by next week. At this last step in the process, they keep your passport; needless to say we will not be leaving Moldova until we receive these back! Please pray that we will receive our residency permits!
We also plan to meet with a couple of pastors about the possibility of starting an ESL class in order to have an opening into people's hearts and lives so that God can start a work in their lives. Please pray that God would direct all of us and that the ministry would be His and glorify Him!!
We are continuing to build relationships here in Moldova and to meet friends from our time here in 2006 & 2007. This is one part of the culture that we love! They are all about relationships, and so many times in America you feel that everyone is too busy to form close friendships. While we have many friends from our past we don't always take the time to connect, and if we have failed to do this due to our busy lives in the past, we apologize.
We thought that you might enjoy a couple of photos! God bless you!!!!
If you didn't see our prayer letter, hopefully you can pull it up from our blog through the attachment above. If you want to be added to our list to receive a prayer letter, please send us an email at mmmoldova2006@hotmail.com
Smile, God loves you!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Spiritual Retreat and Renewal in Romania
We made it back safely to Moldova after a wonderful time of spiritual retreat and renewal in Romania! This retreat was a gift from the Missouri Baptist Association to the IMB missionaries in Romania and Moldova, and it was such a blessing to all of us!!! We were able to meet some of the missionaries in Romania that we had not had a chance to meet when we were in Bucuresti for our language study. Many of these missionaries are out in an area by themselves, and they had experienced some difficult times over the past year, i.e., deaths in their family in the USA, difficult times in ministry, etc. God provided this for all of us, but especially for those that needed special praise and worship and special time in their heart language (English) with other believers!!! Thank you Norm Howell and Chris Ramsey for ministering to each of us in such a wonderful way!!!!!
While the scenery was beautiful, it took us nine hours to drive 250 miles due to the mountain roads, village speed limits, and time at the border. It is quite a bit different than getting on the expressway in the USA and driving that distance; however, it was definitely worth the time and effort that it took to get there!!
We were told that it would be a good idea to have someone stay at our house while we were away. Our colleagues suggested a young woman that they knew, and everything was fine when we returned. It helped her out a little with finances, and everything was safe in our home as well. Most people have a dog to watch over their homes here, but at this point we do not have a dog. We would still need to have someone come by and take care of the dog if we were gone, and it gave the indication that the house wasn't empty.
Here are a few pictures from our time in Romania:
Citadel in Rasnov
Team Romania and Moldova/Shannon-Our new cluster leader/ Worship Leaders
Norm Howell
Chris Ramsey
Mountain Scenery in Romania
The day before we left for Romania, we turned in all of our documents for our residency permit. Please pray that these documents will be all that is needed in order for us to obtain residency here in Moldova. Also, please pray as relationships are being formed, that God would reveal those He has been speaking to regarding home Bible Study and church plants.
We look forward to hearing from each of you! God bless you as you serve Him where He has planted you!!! Smile, God loves you!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Protests in Moldova Explode, With Help of Twitter - NYTimes.com
Protests in Moldova Explode, With Help of Twitter - NYTimes.com
Many of you have asked about the situation in Moldova after the elections. We wanted to share one of several articles that have been written on the events which began after the elections on April 5. Please continue to pray for a peaceful and fair solution to this problem. Thank you for lifting the people of Moldova and us up in prayer!!
Smile, God loves you!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Leaving Friends in Bucuresti Romania and Meeting Others in Chisinau Moldova
Wow, it has been way too long since we wrote on our blog. Between Facebook, the blog, and our prayer letter we have not updated lately. We completed our language class in Bucuresti, and we loaded up a colleague's van and headed for the border. We did not have any difficulty getting across either of the two borders, and we know that it was due to prayers that were lifted up on our behalf. Thank you so much for your prayers!!
We are excited to be in our new home, and we wanted to share a few things that might give you a laugh or two. We have some very kind neighbors, and we were told that the elderly man and woman across the street from us had lived here for years. They can give you the history of IMB personnel who have lived in this house. The elderly gentlemen has taken care of the yard for some of those that lived here in the past, and he evidently wants to start back at his job of making our yard beautiful. We are really afraid that he will overdo and hurt himself, but he is so persistent. If our gate is unlocked we find him out in the yard trying to work, i.e., lifting rocks that are way too big for him to lift, taking the cover off of the well and I'm afraid he will fall in, shutting off the water which means we have no water inside our house. Please pray that we will not offend him as we try to relay our thoughts to him. It is bad to want to keep your gate locked every minute of the day. If we don't unlock it he calls and asks us if he can come over. Well, we need wisdom on this one for sure! We have met a young boy, Andre, who is 11 years old. He has been to the grocery store with us twice already. He is very sweet, and he knows a little English. Mike helped him with his English homework tonight, and of course it is British English, which is normal in this area of the world. We may confuse him more than help him ... we'll see.
While we have been trying to get settled into our new home, we also need to start on our residency process through the Baptist Union. This will be a long process, but please pray that the documents that we have will be all that is needed to help us gain our residency. We will write more later, but we wanted to let you know that we are where God has called us to minister. Please pray for our friends, Frank and Diane, who are trying to get their visa in Romania. They are having a very difficult time, and they have been told that they may need to leave the country for 3-6 months. Please pray that God will show them His perfect plan!
God bless each of you! We love you and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Smile, God loves you!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
We wanted to share this video with you. What a blessing!! Never stop sharing the gospel even when you "feel" that you are not making any headway. Never give up ... you never know who God is using you to reach. You may never see the results, and you may never be well known in religious circles for your efforts, but your reward will be in heaven.
Smile, God loves you!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Daily Life in Language and Culture
We may be redundant on our blog if you also receive our prayer letter, but we wanted to touch base with those that may not receive this info via email. We have had many adventures since we have been in Bucuresti Romania. We have learned how to find our way around the city on the trams, buses, subway, and by walking. We have learned the system of paying bills which includes someone coming to your door and paying them right there, going up a couple of flights of stairs to another apartment and paying, and going to the post office and paying. We also purchased a cell phone, and when Mike asked for the phone number of the cell phone he was told that when he calls someone they can tell him the number. Well, he called someone and they told us what number came up on their screen, but later we realized that we were not receiving any calls. We could call out with no problem, but Mike wanted to be sure that we had given a good number to those here in Bucuresti on our team. He walked into another Orange cell phone store, and he asked the employee if he could check to see what our number was. He looked at him strange, but he helped him. The number was totally different than what came up on our co-workers phone screen, and Mike felt silly ... I told him he would never see this person again so it was okay if he thought that we were crazy Americans. Ha Ha!
We have been very blessed by the beauty of Sinaia, which is about 3 hours from Bucuresti. Our SC (field leader) here in Bucuresti took several of us on the train to visit this beautiful area of Romania. The castle, the architecture, and the little city square were marvelous to see, but that particular weekend it was snowing and cold. We sat in a warm restaurant to eat, and we were ready to go again!
Mike needed dental work done, and we have found a good dentist here in Bucuresti. The root canal takes about four days total, but it is much less expensive than at home in the USA. He is doing fine, but yesterday's visit was a little painful because she didn't use Novocaine. When she drilled she used something to deaden it, but since this visit was only a five minute visit she didn't use anything. All was well after the one moment of pain.
We have had a couple of instances where we felt as if the Lord was giving us opportunity to be a witness for him. One day we were walking to our language class, and a Gypsy woman tried to give Myra a small bunch of flowers. We pass her everyday at this same location, but this was the first day she had tried to give these to her as a gift. Myra didn't accept it at that time, but when we returned we passed by her and gave her a track as a gift. She offered the flowers again, and Myra thanked her and tried to pay her but she would not accept the money. This is very unusual! We hope to see her again soon. We have also had a chance to talk with people on the subway and we would appreciate your prayers as God guides us to others here and in Moldova!
We have had several emails from you about loved ones that are sick, in the hospital, or those who have died. We have been praying for you! God knows your pain, and He is there to comfort you!!! We love and miss you all! God bless you as you live for Him!!
Mike & Myra
Smile, God loves you!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Learning and Living in Bucuresti
Hello from Bucuresti Romania!
We made it with only one suitcase missing, but this suitcase made it about two days later. We are very thankful for this!!! We were greeted at the airport by Dwayne and we met Larry, the cluster leader on the way to our apartment. Our apartment is in the center of Bucuresti, and it is very convenient to the subway which we ride everyday in order to get to our language class. It is only a 15 minute walk from our apartment. Our classes are going well, and our teacher is a young lady by the name of Flory (short for Florentina).
Traffic is very heavy in the city of Bucuresti, and we were forewarned to bring allergy medications and asthma inhalers if needed. There is quite a bit of pollution due to all of the cars. There are many more fast food restaurants in Romania than in Moldova. They have KFC, Burger King, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut; there may be others, but we have not found them yet. The public transportation is very good in the city, and we are learning our way around by walking or riding the subway.
We visited a church this past Sunday, and Myra was told that she would not need to wear a head covering. She was very surprised, but very happy, too. Many of the churches in the city are moving away from this tradition. This church had a very good praise band and youth choir, and we had prayer for about six or seven young people that will be going on a mission trip to Ethiopia soon. This is very exciting to see the people of Romania sending their own people as missionaries to other nations!! This is one area that the IMB will be helping them with; they have asked the IMB to help to encourage missions and show them how to set up a system of sending missionaries. God is really moving in this area!!
We have met some very helpful people here in Bucuresti. One gentleman in the subway was asking if we needed help today. He said that he works with the Pro Life group here in Bucuresti, and he was very interested as to why we were here; there were six of us together at the subway when we met this young man.
As we have seen the cold wave hit many of you in the USA, we are experiencing the white covering ourselves. We had around 4 or 5 inches of snow, but it turned to slush. It will be in the single digits this weekend during the night. We came prepared with all the gear, and we are very thankful to have the extra layers and warmth.
We are including some pictures for you of the view from our apartment and of our language class. We miss you all. We love to receive emails letting us know how you are doing, and we are praying for those that have given us prayer concerns individually and from your churches. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers!! Also, thank you for giving to Lottie Moon so that we are able to be where God has sent us to share His love and gift of salvation!!
God bless you!
Smile, God loves you!
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