Monday, December 8, 2008

Trip to Washington DC

We had a wonderful trip to Washington DC, all 350 or so of our FPO group! Our goal was to observe people from other cultures, to bring people one step closer to the Lord, and to share His saving grace and love for them through evangelism. We went in teams of four or more, and Mike and I went with a couple that will be serving in Romania. The cultures of Romania and Moldova are very similar, and we tried to visit the Romanian Embassy in Washington DC. We were told over the telephone that we could stop by, but when we arrived at the front door they would not let us in without an appointment. We did ask if they knew of any Romanian restaurants, but they said that there were none in the area. While trying to decide our next step, a gentleman walked by. We asked for directions, and when he answered Mike noticed that he had a foreign accent; he asked what his native language was, and he told us that he was from Romania. God had a definite plan in this encounter! We all started walking in the same direction, and we found out that he was of the Orthodox faith. He did not understand how he could know that he was going to heaven, but he was interested in finding out. All four of us had a time of sharing with him, and we gave him the 4 Spiritual Laws trac. He was not ready to take the step of faith, but he did take the trac home with him. We asked if we could pray for him, and he told us that he would like for us to pray for his family and for their health. We prayed with him on the street corner. Please continue to pray for him; his name is Mihai.
We decided to find a different cultural restaurant, and a very sweet lady, who was a Believer, directed us to a Thai Restaurant. We enjoyed the warmth of the restaurant, and the food was very good! We had one or two other encounters, and we pray that God is moving in these people's hearts and will bring others to them to water the seed that was planted.
We thought that you would enjoy a couple of pictures from our trip. We did pray at the Capitol and at the White House, and we will continue to pray for our nation and for President-elect Obama.
We love you and thank you for your prayers!!
Smile, God loves you!


Cherise said...

Wow! Ce minunat ce Domnul a facut! It was obviously in God's divine plan to bring Mihai into your path. :) When do you leave for Moldova?

The 4 Milams said...

MYRA - I just saw where today is your birthday. Have a wonderful day. I got your blog off your prayer card. Do you all have an e-mail? Let us know. Ours is on our card. Have a Merry Christmas!
andy, michelle, & the boys