We wanted to update you on the status of our residency permit, a necessity in order to remain in Moldova!
We went to the last government office, with the Baptist Union lawyer, last Tuesday. We were told that we would know something by next week. At this last step in the process, they keep your passport; needless to say we will not be leaving Moldova until we receive these back! Please pray that we will receive our residency permits!
We also plan to meet with a couple of pastors about the possibility of starting an ESL class in order to have an opening into people's hearts and lives so that God can start a work in their lives. Please pray that God would direct all of us and that the ministry would be His and glorify Him!!
We are continuing to build relationships here in Moldova and to meet friends from our time here in 2006 & 2007. This is one part of the culture that we love! They are all about relationships, and so many times in America you feel that everyone is too busy to form close friendships. While we have many friends from our past we don't always take the time to connect, and if we have failed to do this due to our busy lives in the past, we apologize.
We thought that you might enjoy a couple of photos! God bless you!!!!
If you didn't see our prayer letter, hopefully you can pull it up from our blog through the attachment above. If you want to be added to our list to receive a prayer letter, please send us an email at mmmoldova2006@hotmail.com
Smile, God loves you!