Hello from Bucuresti Romania!
We made it with only one suitcase missing, but this suitcase made it about two days later. We are very thankful for this!!! We were greeted at the airport by Dwayne and we met Larry, the cluster leader on the way to our apartment. Our apartment is in the center of Bucuresti, and it is very convenient to the subway which we ride everyday in order to get to our language class. It is only a 15 minute walk from our apartment. Our classes are going well, and our teacher is a young lady by the name of Flory (short for Florentina).
Traffic is very heavy in the city of Bucuresti, and we were forewarned to bring allergy medications and asthma inhalers if needed. There is quite a bit of pollution due to all of the cars. There are many more fast food restaurants in Romania than in Moldova. They have KFC, Burger King, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut; there may be others, but we have not found them yet. The public transportation is very good in the city, and we are learning our way around by walking or riding the subway.
We visited a church this past Sunday, and Myra was told that she would not need to wear a head covering. She was very surprised, but very happy, too. Many of the churches in the city are moving away from this tradition. This church had a very good praise band and youth choir, and we had prayer for about six or seven young people that will be going on a mission trip to Ethiopia soon. This is very exciting to see the people of Romania sending their own people as missionaries to other nations!! This is one area that the IMB will be helping them with; they have asked the IMB to help to encourage missions and show them how to set up a system of sending missionaries. God is really moving in this area!!
We have met some very helpful people here in Bucuresti. One gentleman in the subway was asking if we needed help today. He said that he works with the Pro Life group here in Bucuresti, and he was very interested as to why we were here; there were six of us together at the subway when we met this young man.
As we have seen the cold wave hit many of you in the USA, we are experiencing the white covering ourselves. We had around 4 or 5 inches of snow, but it turned to slush. It will be in the single digits this weekend during the night. We came prepared with all the gear, and we are very thankful to have the extra layers and warmth.
We are including some pictures for you of the view from our apartment and of our language class. We miss you all. We love to receive emails letting us know how you are doing, and we are praying for those that have given us prayer concerns individually and from your churches. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers!! Also, thank you for giving to Lottie Moon so that we are able to be where God has sent us to share His love and gift of salvation!!
God bless you!
Smile, God loves you!